
Monday 19 July 2010

July 18th, Run

I started the run at 8:30am. Expecting a longer run, I brought a bottle of water with me as well, carrying it along the way. I put on music at the same time. Although music helps keep the run fun, the unexpecting slow popular music songs seem to lull my pace down, and a number of times, I had to either skip songs, or remind myself, to push it.

The route was refreshing at the start, amazingly fun in the middle, but a dry and slow lurch back home. At the beginning, when I found the brief route surrounded by trees, there was ample greenery and breeze to keep me pounding the pavement.

Crossing the industrial/commercial areas wasn't that fun. Especially since I noticed a preponderance of Canadian goose fecal matter, without having saw a single bird, or runner on site. Their "defense mechanisms" seemed to work in warding off human traffic.

When I reached the Leslie/407 pathway, it was like a renewal of energy surged through my legs. I found the rocky path and went ahead around the forest. I kept peering into the forest believing that there must be a pathway inside, and sure enough I came across one. I entered, and immediately gallanted ahead up and down the forest terrain. Trail running is like no other. Dodging branches, avoiding rocks, and tree roots.

The path followed a stream, meaning occasionally there were muddy steps. The only problem with this path were the unkempt connecting routes between patches of forest. IN those route, you couldn't see what you were stepping on, and all of a sudden, a giant ditch/hole with a shovel inside came out of nowhere!! Yikes! I exited through someone's backyard shortly after, and returned to the pavement.

The route towards the forest was mainly downhill, so I was able to finish the run in about an 1hr 50min

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